House of Representatives Schedule
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
10:00 AM | 2167 Rayburn HOB
10:00 AM | 2128 RHOB
10:00 AM | 310 Canon HOB
10:00 AM | 2141 Rayburn HOB
Host: Committee on the Judiciary | Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement
10:00 AM | 1100 Longworth HOB
10:15 AM | 2167 Rayburn HOB
Host: Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure | Subcommittee on Highways and Transit
10:30 AM | 310 Canon HOB
11:00 AM | 2360 Rayburn HOB
1:00 PM | 360 Canon HOB
2:00 PM | 2172 Rayburn HOB
2:00 PM | 1324 Longworth HOB