House of Representatives Schedule
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
10:00 AM | 2167 Rayburn HOB
Host: Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure | Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment
10:00 AM | 1310 Longworth HOB
10:00 AM | 310 Canon HOB
Host: Committee on Homeland Security | Subcommittee on Transportation and Maritime Security
10:00 AM | 2141 Rayburn HOB
Host: Committee on the Judiciary | Subcommittee on the Administrative State, Regulatory Reform, and Antitrust
10:00 AM | 2359 Rayburn HOB
Host: Committee on Appropriations | Subcommittee on National Security, Department of State, and Related Programs
10:15 AM | 1324 Longworth HOB
Host: Committee on Natural Resources | Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources
1:30 PM | 2247 Rayburn HOB
Host: Committee on Oversight and Government Reform | Subcommittee on Health Care and Financial Services
2:30 PM | 2128 Rayburn House Office Building